भिडियो हेर्न बक्सको बीचमा क्लीक गर्नुस

''5,000-year-old city was under the ground!''

5,000-year-old city was under the ground!
 ५०० सय वर्ष पूरानो जमिन मुनिको सहारा यस्तो छ पुरा जानकारी हेर्नु होला भिडियो सहित

ANKARA (29 Mar): Turkey recently found the remains of a city under the ground, which was founded nearly five thousand years ago. The most important thing is that the city has not been discovered, it has suddenly and are surprised by the geologist and archaeologist.

According to reports, Nevsehir province of Turkey was the work of a few old houses demolished. When workers removed the debris found about 7 km long tunnel. Works when the officers proceeded through the tunnel, they found the ruins of a city. Information given to the Geological Survey scientists and archaeologists as the inputs, they continued to be surprised.

According to Turkish newspaper Hurriyat News survey showed that the five thousand years ago Jminh settled down, probably because this was founded, to prevent foreign invaders. Has estimated that the city was settled when the Ottoman Empire was a period of ancient Turkey. Nearly 371 feet below ground settlements of the city was spread over nearly 50 million square feet. Town houses, streets and roads were very balanced and scientific manner.

The city is also found in many secret paths, whose use would probably be for the emergency exit at. The ruins have been a multi-storey building with a separate kitchen, straight and curved stairs to go up, bathroom, porch, stone mills, Rushndan, water supply lines and even with the lamp remain niche. Is believed that around 20 thousand people lived in the city.

Snbmbit archaeologist from the town and also want to be surprised, but the city is such that the soil under and around the ruins of the excavation is expected to Nuksas. So the work is being prepared Supanne special teams. For more information about raising the ruins of its geo-radar machines will be used.
भिडियो हेर्न बक्सको बीचमा क्लीक गर्नुस