भिडियो हेर्न बक्सको बीचमा क्लीक गर्नुस

''Mahinā vārī bhayakō kati dinamā sambhōga gardā garba rahanchana yadi gardā rahē ma kē garnē purā jānakārī hērnu hōlā''

Mahinā vārī bhayakō kati dinamā sambhōga gardā garba rahanchana yadi gardā rahē ma kē garnē purā jānakārī hērnu hōlā

upayōgī ṭipsa: Maināvārī bha'ēra kati dinapachī sambhōga gardā garbha rahadaina? Thāhā pā'unuhōs garbha rahana dhērai kurākō tālamēla milnuparcha. Katipaya sthitimā pahilō vā ēka mātra yaunasamparkamā nai garbha rahancha, tara sadhai yastō hum̐daina. Yaunasamparka kā bēlā puruṣakō vīryaslakhalana hum̐dā niski'ēkā karōḍauṁ śukrakīṭamadhyē kēhī pāṭhēgharakō mukha hum̐dai pāṭhēghara ra tyasapachi ḍimbabāhinī nalīmā pugchan. Tyahām̐ paripakva bha'ēkō ḍimba aṇḍāsam̐ga asaṅkhya śukrakīṭamadhyē ēkakō mātra milana huncha. Sāmān'ya rūpamā bhannupardā garbhadhāraṇa huna mukhya rupamā: 1.Ḍimba niṣkāsana 2.Yaunasamparka 3. Vīrya skhalana 4. Ḍimba niṣēcana tathā 5.Ḍimbarōpaṇa jastā kurā hunu āvaśyaka cha. Tapā'īnlā'ī thāhai hōlā, mahilākō ḍimba mahinākō ēkapaṭaka mātra niṣkāsana huncha. Ḍimba niṣkāsana hunē samaya najika garbha rahanē sambhāvanā baḍhī huncha. Śukrakīṭasam̐ga milana huna ḍimba niski'ēkō hunu āvaśyaka cha.Bujhnuparnē mahatvapūrṇa kurā kē bhanē ḍimba niski'ēkō yastai 14 dinamā mahināvārī suru huncha. Yastai 28 dinakō mahināvārī bha'ēkō mahilākō 14auṁ dinatira ḍimba niskanē bha'ēkālē tyatibēlā yaunasamparka gardā garbha rahanē sambhāvanā ēkadamai dhērai huncha. Ḍimba niski'ēkō yastai 24 dēkhi 48 ghaṇṭāsam'ma bām̐ccha bhanē mahilākō prajanana aṅgabhitra śukrakīṭaharū 72 ghaṇṭā vā tyōbhandā baḍhī bām̐cna sakcha, tyasailē ḍimba niskanē kēhī aghikō ra kēhī dinapachikō samayalā'ī garbhadhāraṇakā dr̥ṣṭikōṇalē asurakṣita kāla mānincha. Sāmān'yataḥ mahināvārīkō navauṁ dinamā yaunasamparka gardā garbha rahanē sambhāvanā n'yūna huncha. Mahināvārī ṭhīka 28 dinamā nabhai ḍhilō cām̐ḍō huncha bhanē kēhī sōcnuparnē huncha. Surakṣita kālalā'ī nai garbhanirōdhakā rupamā prayōga garnē hō bhanē kamtīmā pani 6 mahināsam'makā mahināvārīkā dinaharū linuparcha. Sabaibhandā chōṭō mahināvārībāṭa 18 dina ghaṭā'um̐dā garbhavatī huna saknē pahilō dina pattā lāgcha bhanē sabaibhandā lāmō dinabāṭa 11 dina ghaṭā'um̐dā garbhavatī huna saknē antima dina pattā lāgcha. Udāharaṇakā lāgi yadi kunai mahilākō mahināvārī cām̐ḍōmā 24 dinakō ra ḍhilōmā 31 dinakō hunē rahēcha bhanē, 24,18, 6 huncha, arthāt chaiṭauṁ dinadēkhi sambhōga gardā garbha rahana sakcha. 31, 11, 20 Huncha, arthāt 20 auṁ dinabhandā pachi yaunasamparka gardā garbha rahana sakcha. Yauna rōga ra ēca'ā'ībhīkō saṅkramaṇabāṭa bacna kanḍamakō niyamita tathā sahī prayōga anivārya cha. Surakṣita kālabāhēka arū samayamā yaunasamparka nai garnu hum̐daina vā kanḍamajastā sādhana prayōga garnuparcha. Yasai anusandhānabāṭa prāpta kēhī tathyaharukā anusāra: 1.Sēksa garēpachi sābunapānīlē yōnī rāmrōsaṅga pakhālēmā garbha raham̐daina. 2. Sēksa garēpachi pisāba phērēmā pani garbha raham̐daina. 3. Sēksa garē lagattai dauḍinē ra uphrinē garēmā garbha raham̐daina 4. Ēspirinalē garbhādhāraṇa rōkcha. 5. Mahilālē pahilōcōṭī sēksa gardā garbha raham̐daina. 6. Mahināvārī bha'ēkō bēlāmā mahilālē jati sambhōga garē pani garbha raham̐daina
Months Vari fear of how many days intercourse are proud of the earth if I could see the whole information
Useful tips: how dinapachi mainavari and dermis lies the womb? Do you know many things remain the womb reconcile coordination. In some situations, the first or the only sex that conceives, but not always so. When sex is when a man came from viryaslakhalana the uterus through the cervix, and then some of the millions sukrakitamadhye reach Fallopian tract. There is only one mature the eggs andasamga Meet numerous sukrakitamadhye. In general terms, mainly as a pregnancy: 1dimba removal 2yaunasamparka 3. 4 ejaculation. Egg fertilization and 5dimbaropana such things need to be. As you know, women's egg is released only once a month. Egg Removal time pregnancies are more likely to close. The eggs need to be broken out sukrakitasamga bujhnuparne meet the most important thing is that the eggs out of the same 14 day menstruation begins. This 28 day menstruating women since the 14th time out of dogmatic egg pregnancies when sex possibility is very real. Egg out of the same 24 to 48 hours, if the female reproductive lives angabhitra Sperm can live for over 72 hours or more, so the eggs out some time ago, and a few days later period of pregnancy is considered unsafe perspective. Fifty-ninth day of general relations with the possibility of pregnancies is low. Menstruation is just 28 days later, some think it is too late to acquire. If contraception is tense as safe to use at least 6 months should menstrual days. The most likely short menstrual 18 days from the first day of pregnancy is diagnosed ghataumda the most likely long day and the last day of the 11-day pregnancy is diagnosed ghataumda. For example, if a woman's monthly supply, 24 days and will be conducted by 31 days if it is, 24.18, 6 is the sixth day of pregnancy can stay intercourse. 31, 11, 20 is the 20th days of pregnancy after sex, can remain. To avoid sexual diseases and HIV infections regular and proper use of condoms is essential. Safe sex is not the time or kandamajasta kalabaheka other means should be used. According to some facts in this research: 1seksa After washing the vagina possesses a good vagina womb. 2. Block urinate after sex birth control. 3. Immediately sex if pregnancy is uncertain and Bounce Block 4. Aspirin prevents pregnancy. 5. When pregnant women and adolescents sex change. 6. Please be sure to pregnant women as a beast Block
भिडियो हेर्न बक्सको बीचमा क्लीक गर्नुस