भिडियो हेर्न बक्सको बीचमा क्लीक गर्नुस

'''Accurate way to look at the whole information may nikoparne acne'''

Accurate way to look at the whole information may nikoparne acne

Very sad and worried if women are no problem skin. The beauty of nature is provided by women. The beauty of women is linked to. Some confusion arises because of the beauty of women fall into great concern. Similarly, a disease that ruins the beauty of acne also. This disease problem puberty to come. Sometimes it also comes at the age of 35-40.

This skin problem. The risk of this inability to face it because it can damage the stain to leave. Glands is called acne sevasiyasa role of bondage. It is also called oil glands. This gland grows in age is 11 years, is developed. It remains with hair. The phanasanala Action edarnala mail harmonale promote glyandsako.

It is both female and male. A man waves are small holes. Granthisanga relationship of these oil. This fatty substance that granthile sevam out, sevamale the skin of dead skin cells out of Andrada out and keeps the skin clean. From here also come out of the hair is fine. Sometimes dirty or smooth, close to the children out of the dead cells, then acne begins to appear. Skinadeda Sales, sebam and hair are gathered in one place. So these people are infected. Karanavasa they begin to be heard, and urediospores redness.

There are different types of acne -

Hvaihedsa white, tiny red visible
Blyakahedsa black grain visible
Sista big meat dallojasto
Novulsa pain, saraho kind
Pustulsa visible red small top Pip

Acne upacara

Body, face or body acne to come to different places. It is easy to come to know the reason for the outpouring of acne treatment. 12, 13 years, 30, 35 years of age at any time to come to many kinds of acne. This is due to the hormone ages of vrddhisangai hormone edarnala glyandsama glyandsa to stimuleta oil change comes after. Various measures can be reduced to pacify.

1. Eat less fat
2. Drink plenty of water
3. Physical exercise and the sweat
4. Green vegetables and fruits to eat
5. Regular bathing and personal hygiene attention
6. Eat more bitter, pungent
7. Insomnia and had worked apartment

 To make acne can arise therein, however, be less pacify. Vowing to make the restitution, other affected body. Homiyopyathika ayurvedaka medicine and natural remedies is also good.

DR. Bishnu Chapagain (sisters Doctor) from
भिडियो हेर्न बक्सको बीचमा क्लीक गर्नुस