भिडियो हेर्न बक्सको बीचमा क्लीक गर्नुस

''Mahiyala or vaginal dryness Male evolution are some of the reasons for this type would look at the whole information'''

महियाला या पुरुस हरुको योनि चिलाउने केहि कारणहरु यस प्रकार छन् पुरा जानकारी हेर्नु होला
Mahiyala or vaginal dryness Male evolution are some of the reasons for this type would look at the whole information
Women vaginal dryness moment of his life, some problems are gujrieka. It is normal for a long time sometimes, even if cilairakhnu or repeatedly cilairakhnu not good. Vaginal dryness can be many reasons for the problem. One major reason for the likeness of the vagina clean and well it may cause problems if they jathabhavi sexual relationship sexual diseases and solve the problem of vaginal dryness cilaumcha yoni
Some of the reasons that support this type of vaginal dryness
1) Stress:
As surprising as it is correct to begin with that stress does cause the vagina.
2) yista infection:
Because of the vagina vaginal infections yista cilaumcha. Yista when vaginal infections begins to gather around the white butter, which caused the vagina cilaumcha as dhusi. Jathabhavi helpful to have sexual relations, because of the lack of immunity to infections or diabetes patient yista used. Yista red spots appear on the place of infection favorably and the place begins to dry and subsequently irritation.
3) Dry skin:
Dry skin is also a man of more than vaginal dryness problem. The skin around the vagina due to lack of sufficient water needed to dry skin and irritation begins to deteriorate.
4) sexual infection:
Upon conducts many sexual contact only sexual disease, but at the beginning of the problem of vaginal dryness can.
Of these, except the vaginal infection, injury, mahinavari cease etc. vaginal dryness problem may be the reasons why.
If you have vaginal dryness is samsaya domestic law by adopting the following to be free from this problem saknuhuncha
1) First, the reason is that the itchy vagina to know. If conducts many sambhok  contact if the problem first of all, then immediately off of such an action.
2) the use of any chemical sippet parphumako like to use if the use of Vaux off.
3) smelling towel or bath, a shower, you will not do so chadnuhosa tabama.
4) Use only cotton penti and cilai to bed until well nalagaunuhosa penti.
5) sambhok contact until irritation narakhnuhosa healing. Must use beyond the condom.
6) If the vagina is dry, the problem is slippery, making sexual relations, use Jellicoe

भिडियो हेर्न बक्सको बीचमा क्लीक गर्नुस