भिडियो हेर्न बक्सको बीचमा क्लीक गर्नुस

''These 7 eat food and protect the kidneys:''

These 7 eat food and protect the kidneys:

यि ७ खाने कुरा खानुहोस् र मृगौला जोगाउनुहोस्:

Kidney extraordinarily sensitive part of our body is one of the kidneys. This cravings go wrong with that if he died, the threat is. The last time many people suffering from kidney news is coming out. Many people have lost their lives to kidney failure or kidney function. But at the time we take to keep the kidneys healthy by us, kidneys, reducing the danger may be. Here kidneys maintain a healthy discussion has been about the food you eat to 7.
1 red pepper
Red pepper potassium, phosphorus, vitamin C, fiber, folic acid and vitamin B high amount of text is. It will benefit us mrgaulalalai.
2 cabbage
Cabbage high amount of sodium, potassium, phasporasako quantity. These elements of the kidney is considerable need. The positive side is the high amount of cabbage fiber and vitamin C is even.
3 Cowley
Cauliflower also sodium, potassium, phasporasako amount is sufficient. Similarly, Vitamin C, fiber is also the problem of kidney saves it.
4 garlic
A Segment garlic 1 mg sodium, 12 mg, and 4 mg of phosphorus to potassium. It does not benefit only the kidneys also regulate cholesterol. Similarly, garlic is beneficial for cancer will rescue.
5 Apple
Apple also 158 milligrams of potassium in normal-sized, 10 mg is phasporasa. So it is good for the kidneys, the other various diseases, including apple consumption is considered beneficial.
6 strawberries
Half a cup of strawberry 1 mg sodium, 120 milligrams of potassium and 13 milligrams is phasporasa. It also is a high amount of entiaksidenta that kidney problems flaring up.
7 white part of an egg
The white part of the kidney is considered beneficial for the spot. The white part 2 grams protein, 110 milligrams of potassium and 10 milligrams is phasporasa. It is good for the amino acid kidney is good for the general health.
भिडियो हेर्न बक्सको बीचमा क्लीक गर्नुस