भिडियो हेर्न बक्सको बीचमा क्लीक गर्नुस

''The increase home treatment eye sights''

The increase home treatment eyesi ghts
घरेलु उपचारबाट यसरी बढाउनुहोस् आँखाको ज्योती
Of course, all part of your soul and his own importance, but all eyes angaharumadhye considered very important. Your eyes are the mirror that you are very good things to show the world. An important part of the world to observe special care because it is necessary. Know, according to some domestic MEASURE1. Eye vyayamahEye exercising your eyes as well as flexible tantuharu good circulation of the eye, which affects the light to the eye. Eye exercises you have also garnasaknuhunchahTake a pen, hold it with one hand and put his focus on distance and pen close to his nose along slowly and then put away. Remember, your eyes no inheritance of the pen. You did it 10 times a day, it is very beneficial. In addition, by using pressure from the eyes to focus on any object. The best way to do that is to focus on candramamathi. This five minutes each day to. For best results, exercise every day to the eye.2. Sanina and paminahSanina and pamina considered beneficial for eye lens. Saninadvara the sun to increase the treatment capacity of the said paminadvara the eye joy. Close your eyes, breathe deeply for saninaka taking about two minutes, see the sunrise time is tipped. At that time, it is important to be close to your eyes. Paminaka ragadnuhos each other for both hand and both hands around his eyes slowly close. This hands several times a day, and a good eye swirled imagine.3. AmalahVitamin C, found in the full scale of staff. Vitamin C is considered very good for health Arterial circulation in the eyes of the correct way. In addition, the benefits of vitamin C leads to the retina cells.4. AharahAttach your diet such diet containing vitamin A, B, C, D, E, beta kyarotina 's is very high. These are all considered good for the eyes. Good for light from the carrots, parsnip, sakhkhara Khanda, Blueberry, broccoli, cabbage consumption again. Fatty fish, eggs, nuts and seeds are also considered good for the eyes.5. Eye pariksanahMake regular eye tests.
भिडियो हेर्न बक्सको बीचमा क्लीक गर्नुस