भिडियो हेर्न बक्सको बीचमा क्लीक गर्नुस

''S some way to clean the blood should be good bar''

S some way to clean the blood should be good bar
रगत सफा गर्ने केहि उपाय हरु जानी राक्नु राम्रो
We did our best to stay healthy environment around the body into toxic cleanser appeal. The air, water, soil, cosmetics, soaps etc. enter through the blood system would reach the element. Reached the dangerous elements out of the blood excretion of choosing work does kidneys. Frequently, highly toxic element when mirgaulamathi pressure to choose. Therefore, we also reduce workload kidney diet is essential to foster sense ¥ m. Toxic elements out of the body as the kidneys to help ease some of the food items are the following: theGarlic: The more sulfur content of garlic is an excellent object of nature is considered to justify the body. Special kind of liver enzymes to dissolve toxic elements from the body the object is out of production, helping lasunale honey ì important role.Apples: The high amount of pectin helps remove the Syaule body poisonous elements. Deadly lift the body out of them contribute ghatusamga does pektinale stuck. Not so the amount of bile production, as poisonous elements pektinale kalojoma disintegration process becomes easier.Beetroot: The dark red color as the original gante cukundarama large quantities of antioxidants. Entiaksidentale deadly dull pieces phriredikalalai protect the body. Even cleaning the liver, blood cukundarale it easier ¥ proximity would help.Carrot: the carrot vitamins A, B6, C and K and potassium and also glutathiyona. The liver plays an important role in cleaning does glutathiyona proteins. Cooking glutathiyona eat raw carrot will be destroyed as well.Lemon: The body is considered a source of values ​​and lemon miracle. To produce more bile moves kagatile liver. In the morning drink a glass of water if they put lemon cleaning your body contributes greatly.Sloth: The rythm is very very good source of essential omega-3 acid alasale phyati would help maintain a healthy blood leads to ¥. Even fiber because it would be more useful toxic elements from the body out of laziness. A handful of green leafy vegetables, brokaulile poisonous substances out of the body to cooperate. Agency
भिडियो हेर्न बक्सको बीचमा क्लीक गर्नुस