भिडियो हेर्न बक्सको बीचमा क्लीक गर्नुस

''Delay tears that her allowance tapkaepachi Sarkis''

Delay tears that her allowance tapkaepachi Sarkis
Nawajagriti (GR): Dashain mouth dried out the government's allowance Nawajagriti 2 chapagaumka 9 2-year delay Sarkis are the tears. Three days before her youngest daughter ramale APF News allowance he received on Friday alone.
Daughter of his allowance given themselves without realizing that he first heard the news VDC handing mouth angry villagers. Daughter always take the same way, he added relayed allowance made tearful face.
"Even so lanthi pahilapahila. Lagiche now ', says tearful voice delay, which hid the allowance Card corche. Allowance money she drunk. It ruined me over. '
He was not the son of the daughter of ramalai rookie section. A thousand rupees per month allowance within four months of each have been taking Sarki delay.
However, those spending their blackmail blackmail four thousand rupees ramale delay intercepting those kharcavihina have been taken. "Where is that old superstructure where they provide, the government has also caused the devourer? '
Dilele fiercely and said, "Stop that mithomasino dream was to buy dasaima own hands. God giving, fathers That is breathtakingly. I .PM it nose. '
VDC secretary Harish okhedale have Accepting ramalai daughter Delaney allowance. "My father can not walk came saying ', Secretary okhedale said," Can not stop until we find kagajapatrasahita. In the coming days we rakhidinchaum delay bakai hands. '
भिडियो हेर्न बक्सको बीचमा क्लीक गर्नुस