भिडियो हेर्न बक्सको बीचमा क्लीक गर्नुस
''Russian plane dropped the missile Malaysia''
Russian plane dropped the missile Malaysia
October 27, 2072- Ukraine's missile attack on the Malaysia Kuala Lumpur Check incident report has been made public. According to the aircraft produced in Russia has opened a missile struck. Kuala Lumpur Netherlands amstardama MH 17 aircraft on 17 July 2014, Ukraine is going was dropped. 2 hundred 9 8 people were killed aboard the aircraft. According to the Dutch Safety Board Chairman cibya yostraka manufactured missiles that Russia has proven to be struck. Probe denied the allegations, saying that the Ukrainian bhumibatai missile has struck. Forensic evidently hit the ground to the sky Boeing 777 aircraft missile -6 book has been confirmed kakapitanajika yostrale information. The report is not accused anyone. Grhayuddhagrasta Ukraine to shut down their airspace for civilian flights have been suggested. According to the same constituency in the shootdown yostraka MH -17 yatrivimana other three were flying. Driver parties only by aircraft flying height is correct and make sure to confirm the nature, he said. The incident mariekamadhye Netherlands 1 hundred 9 6 and 10 were British.

भिडियो हेर्न बक्सको बीचमा क्लीक गर्नुस