भिडियो हेर्न बक्सको बीचमा क्लीक गर्नुस

Use lemon, cancer, acne, and other problems are poised to Get Rid of cayam!

 Use lemon, cancer, acne, and other problems are poised to Get Rid of cayam!
कागतीको प्रयोग गर्नुहोस, क्यान्सर, डण्डीफोर, चायाँ पोतोल गायतका समस्याबाट छुटकारा पाउनुहो

Sour fruit species. Its rind, juice and a variety of diseases, including raspberries and leaves the treatment to be used. Its juice, fresh leaves and rind can be used if the bark and leaves were dried and cooked rent acid can also be used as prepared and cukako.

Kagatika Special Features
Although this kind of sour lemon fruit quality is ksarapradhana and pittasamaka. Lemon blood purifier, mutrakaraka, sweat niskasaka, fever preventive, exhaust, etc. Also the quality is. Lemon vitamin C is abundant. Its use is to clean the blood vessel. It is also full of digestive qualities. Lemon juice is the nature of both the winter and summer. If you use cold water to cool in the summer with its juice is obtained if warming is turned into hot panisangai emblems, its sittala properties. It is used for what disease? Janaum its advantages

Dandiphora and facial potoh
A piece of lemon before sleep daily acne dermis, the night woke up with the same washing improves the acne and facial vessels. Wheat flour or besan or Multani lemon juice mixed with soil coating the face of daily living adhadekhi an hour and wash the benefit of acne and facial ships does.

Lemon and honey mixed equal to the face, coating and polishing the face of 20-30 minutes, kapasale massage improves the anuharako camyama.

Kapalama camya the
Grated lemon juice and water to reach the roots of the dermis, and a little while, wash hair. Camya 2 ÷ 3 times a week so that the removal of hair.

Kyansaravata survive
Using regular daily diet by eating a certain amount of lemon can prevent cancer study has shown that problem.

In high blood pressure and heart disease
Daily water mixed with grated or balckgram adhadekhi eutasamma lemon helps to eat blood pressure and heart diseases also benefit when the.

If the problem is not hard to defecate and clean day 4-5 liters of water mixed with a lemon drink several times when constipation and helps to hold.

Cilaune problem
Cilaunesambandhi piece of skin problems rubbing lemon bath 1 ÷ 2 days different innings, the benefit of cleaning.

Banta and nausea
Nausea and vomiting persists corrected when to stop supporting the nymphs cut lemon.

Raksiko overcome addiction
If eating is about more than alcohol, drugs or lemon water lemon juice to feed infants in pieces disappear when alcohol drunk.

Lu Asaph
In summer hot air, cold water and subsequently lemon juice if luko outbreak, its impact often not drinking.
भिडियो हेर्न बक्सको बीचमा क्लीक गर्नुस