भिडियो हेर्न बक्सको बीचमा क्लीक गर्नुस

''Mango is medicine for these diseases''

Mango is medicine for these diseases

This is season of mango and you can see mangoes in market and everywhere. Most of the people are fond of the mango due to its delicious taste. However it can also be used in home medicine which most of the people may not know. Here are some og the medicinal uses of mango
– If a child has the problem of having mud then give him dust of seed of mango regularly for three to four time a day. It destroy the pest inside the stomach.
– If you are suffering from dry cough then heat the ripe mango in the fire and after cooling down suck it. this help you to get rid from it.
– For diabetics, have the dust obtained from the leaves of mango dried in the sun. If they have it regularly for 10 to 15 day it can be beneficial.

– Drinking mango along with hot milk can help you to get rid from the problem of constipation.
– Abstract juice from the leaves of mango and lightly heat it. then pour it down in your ears as it gives relief from ear pain.
– If you have the problem of gum bleeding then grind the seed of the mango and use it as toothpaste. It is also beneficial for other diseases related to the teeth.
– Having the juice of raw mango can help to remove the anxiety that happen due to the excessive heat during summer.
– Drinking a glass of mango juice with honey then it help to prevent from tuberculosis.
– The potassium and magnesium available in the mango which control the blood pressure in the body.
– It increase the weight and having mango regularly in the pregnancy is bebeficial for the women and the fetus.
– Having juice of mango, ginger and milk together can destroy the physical and mental disability and increase memory power.
भिडियो हेर्न बक्सको बीचमा क्लीक गर्नुस