भिडियो हेर्न बक्सको बीचमा क्लीक गर्नुस

''Things we should not eat while our stomach is empty''

Things we should not eat while our stomach is empty
Medicine : we must use medicines only after eating our meal except some exceptions. Doctors also recommend to use medicines only after having our meal because it can produce acids on our stomach which are injurious to our health.
Alcohol : Drinking alcohol in empty stomach is also inju^rious to our health. It may create the problem of burn in stomach and also in the digestion functions of our stomach.
Coffee : Coffee contains caffeine which can effect in our empty stomach so drinkin coffee while empty stomach is injurious so if you want to have coffee in empty stomach then first drink a glass of water.
Tea : Tea also contains a large amount of acid in it. So if we drink tea in empty stomach we may suffer from gastric, stomach ache, and lack of appetite.
Curd : Curd is good for a human body but it contains a lot of acid so it is not good for us to contain while we have empty stomach.
Banana : Consuming banana on empty stomach increases the level of magnesium on our body which results to the unbalance in calcium and magnesium level in our body. That’s why eating banana in empty stomach is not good for health.
Sweet potato : In this food we can find two things called Tyanina and Pectin. That’s why it causes gastric and burns stomach.
भिडियो हेर्न बक्सको बीचमा क्लीक गर्नुस