भिडियो हेर्न बक्सको बीचमा क्लीक गर्नुस

''Rheumatoid arthritis and its symptoms''

 बाथ रोग र यसका लक्षणहरु
Rheumatoid arthritis and its symptomsMedia NP, Kathmandu. Do your bones, joints, intoxication, muscle pain or problems, etc.? If such a problem if you know that you know is caught ragale bath. Vatha ordinary language is just a term for the disease. That means not only a disease bujhidaina bath.
Bath is very kind. Medical science and my long experience, more than a hundred different types of raving. One bone raving food, meat raving, raving, and the heart drug eat food are raving main.
No other infections and diseases related to us with the bath. Raving, bones, joints, hadaroga, intoxication, skin, spine, hips, amkhalagayata body may occur in any part of Bath. More women than men in this disease, Claudio was born 80-9 0 years even when the person may be successfully accomplished.
Among women has dried, the uterus will likely crash and more than 40 years of cultivation vatharoga. Children less than 15 years of age or childhood atharaitisako groupama kept raving jubhinaila Group. The disease is usually not a jivanu and kitanule vatha. It will be auto-immune disease process.
Raving SymptomsTuhine pregnancy, breathing is difficult to takeFever, hair loss, mouth lesionsChest pain, sputum blood comingNo part of the body, orthopedic, neck and headaches.Arm, kuino, hands fingers, waist painKnee, heel, ankles, paitala, headaches.One part, and one samrpuna body hurts.Body blue, red, brand come, 9jasalai also says some people bitten by magicBone heardChanges in skin color cisopanima hands, white, blue or redHeart shiversInsomniaFeet and offered to, tingling, silko gore,Butterfly face as red marks from pvakhaGo slowly and hard skin tankidai, etc.Agency support
भिडियो हेर्न बक्सको बीचमा क्लीक गर्नुस