भिडियो हेर्न बक्सको बीचमा क्लीक गर्नुस

''Sugar neediest be like nectar for these 7 item''

Sugar neediest be like nectar for these 7 item
सूगर रोगीका लागी अमृत सरह हुन यी ७ चिज
Diabetes is a disease that didn Sugar Nepali society is. Because of the volume of the patient's blood sugar Sugar spits You do not eat the same food. Karbohaidreda and those with a medical food protinalai Sugar for balance limit is prescribed by asking for it. According to the patient's weight and height is set aside for food.
They just eat up so much of calories is that the chart is given. But the doctor gave rogiharule Sugar craves food and their daily life limitesanama able to live to complain about the scarcity nowadays. In such cases, they loosed food intake, including the Sugar Sugar Patients seeking to reduce the need to eat the kind of food it is. Here we have tried to give some info about food is that even Sugar Sugar also controls the patient's health benefits on puraunuka.

1 syauhbhanincha, day by doctors from a Syaule personal - especially kardiyolojista. In 2012, the journal published by Ohio State University, one apple a day for four weeks bad cholesterol by 40 percent Reduce the Consumption. Cholesterol is an element that helps heart disease topped the apple food provided by daktaraharule sugararogilai mandatory elements are placed to reduce the duration and diabetes also found Apple does. Havarda School of Public Health, two million people, health status checked five or more apples a week to people who eat less than 23 percent of the diabetes.
2 kurilohkurilo only if we look at the FSA's view is that most people, your favorite vegetables. Did you know that, Lodiya 5 grams of carbohydrates, 20 calories and 2 grams of fiber found in some works. It is found especially in antioxidants called glutathayana so it does make aging effects of different disease-free calls faded as diabetes, heart failure and cancer in August 2012 by the British Journal of nyutrisanale kurilole blood-sugar levels, according to a research, it does keep sound levels to increase insulin works .
3 ebhokarda: pear fruit seemingly ebhokarda health perspective is considered beneficial. This cone protein, fiber, niacin, thymine, raibophlebina, folic acid and an abundance of elements on jinkalagayataka.Diabetes and high cholesterol levels, according to nyutrisana Academy reduce it too far and to keep treating the same time, a very positive relationship between ebhokyado and diabetes is. In 2008 a report was published by the American Journal of Clinical nyutrisanale second type of diabetes risk among women eating the ebhokyado least 25 percent of the.
4 simihsimima fiber found in abundance. In addition, it is considered a good source of protein, whose cause it is necessary for diabetics to engage a patient's diet. According to a research in 2012 grows bean sprouts to eat a cup of vegetables a day, he needs to balance blood sugar levels contributes to reduce high blood pressure does.According to the American Heart asosiyasanaka will also deliver large quantities of fiber reduces the attack.
5 blue bayarahnilo Bär or Blueberry excessive amounts of such fruit is the family which roughly phlebhonoidako. Phlebhonoida an element that helps keep the heart healthy. 'Blue bayarama fiber reduces the risk of diabetes if it would be excessive blood-sugar levels to keep balanced on, "says the National Diabetes Education programaki joone emagyalibhena fresh research also found elements of blue bayarama kyansaravirodhi gyalibhena she lost.
6 Broccoli: Broccoli contains antioxidants called beta-kyarotina who beneficial only diabetes. This vitamin 'A' being found in abundance teeth, bones, skin and eye does bring benefits. It is rich in folate and fiber are very beneficial for the health care considered.
7 carrots: carrots vitamin HEP ​​DPRK mines. This vitamin is considered the essential element for the growth of drug-resistant. It provides relief if some cancer cure diabetes Mayo Clinic, said Salvation.
8 machahsan 2010 Dietary Guidelines for Americans recommends eating fish twice a week. Omega-3 acids found in fish phyati arahathamiyasa when it does reduce the risk 9asamanya heartbeat 0. Diabetes Patients gainful fish consumption.
9 lasunahkhanalai make sweet garlic medicinal gunasameta is horrible. This high cholesterol, heart disease, high blood pressure and cancer risk does keep away.
Onion onion volume of 10 antioxidants, as it is beneficial only for diabetics bring .Chop outweigh the benefits of fiber, potassium and due pholetajasta element attached to it is vital that diet. In 2002, according to the American Journal of Clinical Investigation nyutrisanale have long disease from accelerated kverasetinale saves phlebhonoida found.
Source: various health issues relating site and magazine
भिडियो हेर्न बक्सको बीचमा क्लीक गर्नुस